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As the UK strives to develop a hydrogen economy as part of its commitment to achieve net-zero by 2050, Rullion’s dedicated Practice Team will continue to work with Industry to identify the talent required to meet those targets. This is part of our ongoing adaptation to the UK’s Energy and Utilities Transformation.
Working across skills in Emerging Technology, Distribution, Storage, Manufacturing, Construction and Transportation, Rullion’s aim is to play a significant role in achieving the UK’s net-zero targets and the essential contribution of Hydrogen in that.
Click here to read how Hydrogen Development Manager Stella Matthews is helping to shape our future by transforming our energy supply through Hydrogen
We are eager to expand our partnerships with key industry partners, shaping the skill base to achieve our shared goal of net-zero. Please reach out below if you would like to join our mission.
What our clients are saying about us
If you want more information on how we can support you, get in touch below.