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Seven reasons why measuring Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace is important

Measuring Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in your workplace is crucial for understanding the current state of diversity and inclusion, identifying disparities, driving change, attracting and retaining talent, and making informed decisions.


It also helps you foster a more inclusive and equal work environment, which ultimately leads to improved performance and success.


Below are seven reasons why measuring EDI in your organisation is important.



  1. Assessing progress: By measuring EDI, you can evaluate your progress in creating a more diverse and inclusive work environment. It allows you to set benchmarks, track changes over time and identify areas that need improvement. Without measurement, it’s challenging to know if your efforts to promote EDI are effective or if additional strategies are required.


  1. Identifying disparities: EDI measurements can reveal inconsistencies or inequalities that exist within your organisation. It allows you to identify potential gaps in representation, promotion rates, pay, and/or access to opportunities among different demographic groups. Measuring EDI also helps you to assess the effectiveness of your diversity programmes and to pinpoint areas where underrepresented groups may face barriers or experience bias, allowing you to take corrective action to address this.


  1. Making data-driven decisions: Measuring EDI provides objective, valuable data that can inform decision-making processes and drive meaningful change by identifying patterns, trends, and root causes of diversity and inclusion challenges. You can then use this data to make more informed decisions about talent acquisition and develop evidence-based strategies to determine where to allocate resources, develop targeted initiatives, and set realistic goals. This can lead to more effective strategies for promoting diversity, creating a fairer workplace, and improving overall performance.


  1. Accountability and transparency: Measuring EDI demonstrates your commitment to be held accountable and transparent. By publicly sharing diversity metrics and goals, you’re showing that you take diversity and inclusion seriously and are willing to be held accountable for your efforts and are actively working towards creating an inclusive environment. Being open to external scrutiny enhances transparency and builds trust with your employees, customers, investors, and other stakeholders. Sharing EDI data also fosters a culture of openness, encourages dialogue, and creates opportunities for collaboration and learning.


  1. Attracting and retaining talent: Candidates today value diversity and inclusion in the workplace when considering potential employers. Measuring EDI and showcasing a commitment to diversity and inclusion can enhance your reputation as an inclusive employer and attract a diverse pool of talent, particularly from underrepresented groups. It also fosters a sense of belonging among current employees, which can improve retention rates and employee engagement, as people feel valued and supported in an inclusive environment.


  1. Business benefits: Research has shown that diverse and inclusive workplaces tend to outperform those that are less diverse. By measuring EDI, you can better understand the impact of EDI on various aspects of your business, such as innovation, decision-making, employee engagement, and overall performance. This knowledge can inform strategic initiatives, policies, and practices that leverage the benefits of diversity to drive organisational success.


  1. Legal compliance: Depending on the jurisdiction, you might have legal obligations to measure and report on EDI. Legislation and regulations related to equal employment opportunities, affirmative action, and anti-discrimination often require you to collect and analyse data on representation and pay disparities. Compliance with these laws helps you avoid legal consequences and fosters a fair and equitable workplace.



It’s important to note that measuring EDI should not be seen as a standalone solution. It is a crucial part of a broader commitment to creating inclusive cultures and should be accompanied by meaningful actions, policies, and programs that address the underlying issues and promote equality, diversity, and inclusion throughout your organisation.




Interested in measuring EDI in your organisation so that it also includes your contingent workforce? Wondering how an MSP can help you do that? Check out our post, How can having an MSP help further your EDI agenda? Alternatively, fill out our contact form below and one of the team will get back to you.